Creativity Coaching

When we discover, develop and express our creative potentials, we are giving life to the aliveness, joy, beauty and spiritual essence at our core. Spirituality and creativity are interconnected. When we engage in creative activities we expand our consciousness beyond the thinking mind and open up to wider possibilities for knowing and being.

In one-on-one Creativity Coaching sessions you will:

  • Acquire tools and methods to unlock, develop and strengthen your creative potentials
  • Clarify your creative visions
  • Find your authentic expression so that your work is a deep reflection of who you truly are
  • Identify creative blocks and learn ways to overcome them
  • Discover ways to develop supportive habits and routines
  • Learn how to establish and achieve actionable goals
  • Learn how to effectively plan and structure your creative projects
  • Discover how to access inner wisdom to help support and guide you in your creative endeavors
  • Cultivate a rooted trust in your creative abilities
  • Tap into the wonder, vitality, rich imagination and spiritual essence at the heart of who you are.

Sessions are one hour and are available on Zoom. I offer a FREE 45 minute introductory consultation.

Rates for Creativity Coaching are on a sliding scale of $95-125 per session.