Poems want to help us
open beyond the confines
of the linear mind,
ignite our Magic and Mysteries,
offer medicine to our fears
in these troubled times.
They want
to point us to
feathers and Angels,
the presence of the Infinite –
and Love,
the whisperings of the Moon,
wisdom of the creatures, forests,
oceans, sky, mountains.
They want
to share beams of Light and Joy
where Hope has darkened,
show us how to
mend our wings
and the gashes
in our hearts.
Poems want
to teach us
the Ways of the Dark,
help us find
the still-festering wounds
from our past
that are tangled
in our roots, hearts and bellies –
invite them to tell their stories,
teach us
how welcoming grief and sadness
humbles us, softens us
so we are able
to feel, care and love
more deeply,
teach us
how to let go
into the Dark’s gift
of holding and deep mothering.
Poems want to bless us
and teach us
that we are blessable.
Questions for Contemplation
As you reflect on the times that we are living in, what is one area that is particularly challenging for you, either personally or in terms of the impact on others, the earth, etc? What soul medicine might be helpful for you in navigating this challenge?
Is there one line or phrase in the poem that is evocative for you and that you’d like to explore? If so, you can write the words at the top of a blank page and free write for 10-15 minutes in response to the line or phrase. Then, take some time to review what you wrote and see if there is anything that you want to contemplate further in quiet reflection.
Poem a Month Archive
- Are They Really?
- Poems Want to Help Us
- Dark Welcome
- What Are Your Words?
- Poems Paintings Songs
- When the Icy Tensions Thaw
- Telling Your Daughter
- To Let Ourselves Happen
- Always Here
- Dark Odyssey
- Cups That Will Always Break
- Ask the Children
- Not Knowing
- Love Will Show Us
- In Remembrance – Mary Oliver
- The Way of Pain
- Can We Be Love?
- Safe Invitation
- How We Are Helped
- Angel of Sadness
- Tell the Stories